our origin
It’s all about love. coffee. people.
Kawa, pronounced kah-vuh, means coffee in Polish. We'd love to get to know you, no matter what country you hail from or what language you speak- or at least attempt to. Na zdrowie!
The idea for Kawa Coffee originated over ten years ago during a conversation over one of those many cups of coffee. Was it in a local Colorado Springs shop where our daughter, Kylee, was slinging coffees out to her admiring parents, Karen and Ted? Or did the big bang of Kawa come during celestial dreaming with friends at a nearby church, while coffee was busily perking? What started as a daydream solidified into a plan during a family road trip to British Columbia while stopping at many coffee shops along the way and growing inspiration such as steaming bagel sandwiches.
Wherever the first bean was planted, things happened at an espresso'ed pace. One phone call to the building manager got our grind dialed in, and after securing the lease and approvals from the city, we were off to Portland for a week of barista training, then back to Colorado for menu planning and business startup. Ted was busy learning equipment requirements and planning lighting and countertop buildout; our Architect friend, John, created the unique space with angles and platforms you'll find comfortable and inviting. We were beyond grateful for our first wave of Kawa baristas — some from within our (half-Polish) family and some great local college students who trained for months before the shop opening and even joined in the painting and shop build out. Of course the beginnings had the whole family involved — Karen’s Mom (known as Meema to all) patiently worked out her famous scone recipe for months. Our kids were roped in to being our baristas, marketing team, and anything else we could convince them to help with (who was it that couldn't stop chatting during the training tour of local coffee shops, after 5 espressos? Tyler?). After over a year of preparations, we opened Kawa Coffee in February 2012 with a joyful celebration of wonderful people.
There hasn’t been a day we haven’t counted our blessings since we opened in 2012. The somewhat hidden shop was soon found by many in our neighborhood and Colorado Springs thanks to many enthusiastic referrals. These first customers helped create the vibrant community we know and love here today. Karen's gift of hospitality continuously overflows into the lives of the barista team, who spread the same warmth to every person who walks in the door of Kawa. The mix of hospitality, Love, great Coffee, and wonderful People have formed the incredible community and connection we’ve all found here at Kawa. We all love Kawa and we think you will too!
Our continuing gratitude to our family: Kylee (all things graphic), Tyler (menu & drink creativity), Mattie (artful signage), Meema (scones), the many baristas who have poured both coffee and their lives into Kawa, so many wonderful customers who are patient when we are busy, encouraging when we are slow, and friendly absolutely all of the time. And to Jehovah Jireh, our provider... for grace and the wonder of a simple coffee bean.